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Antwerp, Belgium.

Quick wall painted last August in Antwerp during the “Meeting of Styles”. With this wall painting, I aimed to visually illustrate and convey the significance of the psychology concept "Time in the Mind."

Time in the Mind: A Journey within the Boundless Realm

Time, a concept intangible yet woven into the very fabric of our existence, manifests itself uniquely within the recesses of our minds. It is a realm where minutes slip through our fingers like sand, and hours seem to elongate, compress, or blur depending on our perception.

In the deep recesses of the mind, time defies earthly constraints. It blends past, present, and future, weaving memories and fantasies into an ethereal tapestry. Each moment feels eternal yet fleeting, as our consciousness dances between the present and the ghosts of the past. Whispers of dreams beckon us towards undiscovered horizons. Time in the mind expands and contracts, allowing us to revisit and anticipate. In this delicate balance, we find meaning and purpose. Our memories shape our perception, while hopes and dreams propel us forward. Time in the mind is enigmatic, inviting contemplation of our place in the universe. It reminds us of the fleeting beauty of existence and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

In this dance between the ephemeral and the eternal, time becomes more than a mere measurement. It becomes a force that shapes our stories, molds our identities, and fuels our desires. By embracing the fluidity of time in our minds, we unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, for it is within the depths of our own consciousness that the true essence of time unfolds.